Design Studio - 2.5-Layer Throws

We will create a full-color custom artwork presentation for you free of charge. It's easy! Just send us your logo or any other images you'd like included and we'll get to work.

Our experienced art department will produce a design presentation created specifically for you. Here are just some of the many designs we've created through the years.

Horizontal Designs

Davidson Volleyball
Holyoke Dragons
Independence Blue Cross
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
Lake Forest Academy
Masters School
Nebraska Power
Stax Records
The Do Lab
Winston Churchill High School
Walter Payton Prep

Vertical Designs

Barnhart Crane
Campbell University
Central Bible College
Daughters of Penelope
Harker Heights
Little Caesars
Mattie T. Blount
Newark Academy
Northeast Vikings
Pi Beta Phi
Sea Island
Tarrantine Club
University of Oklahoma
University of Arkansas
Vanderbilt School of Medicine
Wollaston Lake Lodge
World of Speed

The logos and trademarks depicted on the products displayed herein are reproduced only as examples of the types of imprinted products available. They do not necessarily imply endorsement of our products by the owners of the logos and trademarks. They do not represent products for sale to anyone other than the owners of the logos and trademarks.